Category: Featured news

The ME/CFS Biomarker Rollercoaster

Biomarkers are a holy grail for ME/CFS because they have the potential to help diagnose disease, track disease progression or progress and help inform which treatments might help. The need for biomarkers is immense and researchers will identify many possible ones. It is encouraging that there have been more possible biomarker reports recently. It can be so hard

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Thirty U.S. House Reps Show Support for Appropriation Language

Thirty U.S. House representatives signed a letter last week urging their colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to attach language to its report on the fiscal year 2018 budget that encourages the NIH, CDC and HHS to accelerate and enhance its work in research and education for ME/CFS.

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Engaging People with ME as Partners in the CRCs

The National Institute of Health’s RFA for ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers breaks new ground. For the first time, the funding agency is strongly encouraging researchers “to establish partnerships with patients groups and solicit their input” as part of their research plan. #MEAction assembled a team of volunteers to assist researchers in thinking about this, and

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Musician with ME produces EP from her bed

#MEAction is working with musician Kaeley Pruitt-Hamm to re-release her music video, “Believe Her,” to showcase the broader face of the ME community.   Send in a still photo or 5-second clip of yourself in bed holding a sign that says #BelieveME or #BelieveHer by April 30th. We will include these clips of people with

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IL. House of reps shows support for ME

The plight of people living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) was heard in Illinois this week. The parent of a young daughter with ME, Amy Mooney, worked with her state representative, Michael J. Zalewski, to introduce a state resolution that recognizes ME as a tragic, disabling disease, and that commits to improving the availability and quality of medical care

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"Unrest" premieres in Copenhagen to major media coverage

There is one more screening of Unrest at the CPH:DOX film festival on March 24th, and then Unrest heads to the RiverRun International Film Festival in Winston-Salem on March 31st. Unrest made its international and European premiere in Copenhagen, Denmark at CPH:DOX, one of the leading festivals for documentary film in the world, on March 17.

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