What Did the Parliamentary Unrest Event Achieve?
Tuesday 24th Oct., 2017 will long be remembered as a significant day for anyone involved in ME politics.
Tuesday 24th Oct., 2017 will long be remembered as a significant day for anyone involved in ME politics.
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As the U.K. prepares to review its national clinical guidelines for ME, it is high-time that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) listens to the evidence showing that Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) is harming people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Listen to the words of the words of the director of the National Institute of
Keep up-to-date on this issue by following the Twitter accounts @mecvsnieuws and @ME_gids More than 10,400 signatures for the Dutch petition ‘ME is not MU(P)S’ (Medically Unexplained (Physical) Symptoms) was presented to Prof. van Gool, president of the Dutch Health Council three weeks ago on September 18th. The petition aims to hold the Dutch Health Council
Announcing Discovery Forum 2017: A New Era in ME/CFS Research
Watch individual presentations and Q&A from the Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS.
The NIH announced the grants for three Collaborative Research Centers (CRC) and a Data Management Coordinating Center (DMCC) that will work together as a consortium for ME/CFS. These grants will be managed by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The total cost of the projects for fiscal year
UPDATE On 20th September, NICE overturned the original proposal and announced it would review its guideline on ME. This is great news but means we need to double our efforts to make sure that the new guideline is robust enough to protect and help people with ME for generations to come. We still need you
Johanna Kaiser, a person with ME, sent this open letter over Labor Day to the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Francis Collins, and the director of National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS).
New resources are available to help parents and educators provide accommodations and resources to help children succeed in school.