Category: Featured news

U.S. Advisory Committee Holds Meeting on ME/CFS

We need you! #MEAction is looking for volunteers who can help our team ensure that the CFSAC recommendations are implemented, and don’t fall through the bureaucratic cracks. If you’ve worked for government agencies before, that is a bonus. We welcome all volunteers who can assist with keeping an eye on the work of this important

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One Step Forward Educating the Medical Community about ME

A Medical Education Working Group has been created by the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) to provide recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Health on educating healthcare providers on ME/CFS. The working group plans to disseminate resources and clinical guidance to healthcare providers, as well as provide trainings and continuing education events. The working

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Australia Announces a New ME/CFS Advisory Committee

Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the Australian equivalent of the NIH, has announced the establishment of an ME/CFS Advisory Committee to advise NHMRC’s CEO, Professor Anne Kelso, on current needs for research into ME/CFS, as well as clinical guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of the illness.

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NICE: Listen to the People

As the U.K. prepares to review its national clinical guidelines for ME, it is high-time that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) listens to the evidence showing that Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) is harming people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Listen to the words of the words of the director of the National Institute of

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