Category: Featured news

Watch the Westminster Hall debate on PACE

A Westminster Hall debate on the PACE trial will take place on Tuesday, 20th Feb., from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Carol Monaghan MP has secured the debate. Watch the Debate or Attend the Debate Follow the debate on Twitter by following @meactnetuk or @MEActNet. The debate will discuss the flawed science behind PACE, and how it has affected policy

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What ME Activists Can Learn from the AIDS Crisis

I read “How To Survive A Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS” by David France to learn lessons from the AIDS movement that could help ME activism, and to summarize it for people without the energy and/or time to read it. The book tells an amazing story but it is

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Volunteers on Radio Scotland

Listen to MEAction volunteers on Radio Scotland! Available as an MP3 (7Mb) or stream via BBC iPlayer (starts at 36.23) On 14th of February 2018, my mum (Janet) and I were on Radio Scotland to discuss #MEAction’s Millions Missing campaign in Scotland. The piece was instigated after the Millions Missing Time for Unrest event at the

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The Launch of "Science for ME" Internet Forum

Science for ME is our major new ME/CFS internet forum with a focus on community, support, advocacy – and, at the heart of it all, science. The forum opened this October and has already attracted over 500 members, with over 25,000 messages on more than 1,400 threads.

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SCMI Shares Research Update: the Ramsay Team 2

Dr. Fane Mensah (University College London (UCL)) and Ramsay Award Program 2016 Team 2 recently provided Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) with a progress update on their work. Mensah reflected on the driving force behind the study design, potential implications of the research, and the intercontinental partnership making it possible.

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When Medicine Fails a Child

Two years ago, our then 10-year old son started to complain of a stomach ache that did not resolve. Other things seemed wrong, too. I did not want to be an alarmist and waited an appropriate amount of time before calling for an appointment, thinking there would be a simple solution.

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Hold On, Firebird

Once upon a time, I woke up on fire. This burning was one of invisible flames, curling themselves around me and offering nothing but excruciating pain and the sort of exhaustion which bears down on you like a weight your whole body must carry.

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