Category: Featured news

Join our Support Group for Caregivers

Are you a caregiver (spouse, partner, sibling, parent) of someone with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis? Are you looking for a community of support, or ways to get involved in advocating for people with ME? #MEAction is excited to announce the launch of a new support network dedicated to caregivers.  Please join us for our first caregivers call

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OMF to Attend First ME/CFS Conference in Montreal

“Advancing an International Research Agenda to Address ME/CFS Research Priorities,” the first International Canadian Conference on ME/CFS will be held May 3 – 5, 2018. Ronald W. Davis, PhD, OMF SAB Director and Linda Tannenbaum, OMF CEO/President will be presenting.

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The First Draft of the Common Data Elements for ME/CFS is Ready for Review

The first draft of the ME/CFS Common Data Elements (CDE) project is now available to review, conducted by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Read the first draft of the Common Data Elements for ME/CFS here. The purpose of the CDE Project is to standardize the collection of investigational data in order to facilitate

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Jackson Laboratory ME/CFS Center Starts Blog to Connect with Patients

The main goal of the JAX CRC project is to understand how the immune system, microbiome, and metabolome are connected and disrupted in ME/CFS, and to discover the biological basis of this chronic disease. We are hopeful that the knowledge gained from these studies will help to develop molecular markers for the diagnosis of ME/CFS, and the development of new treatments based on these new targets discovered.

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Activism 101: Educate Medical Providers about ME

Most doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers belong to a medical association in order to connect to a community of their peers. These medical associations typically send out regular magazines, newsletters and emails about the latest news and topics of interest to the medical field. A great way to begin to educate an entire community

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Petition to support Dr Myhill’s complaint to the GMC

As was previously reported by #MEAction, Dr Sarah Myhill has made a formal complaint to the General Medical Council (GMC) about the authors of the PACE trial. In addition to asking people to write to the Chairman of the GMC, she has now set up an online petition which people can sign if they wish

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#TimeForUnrest Joins #MEAction

We’re thrilled to embark on this next phase by bringing the campaign home, under the umbrella of #MEAction. This will allow us to deepen our efforts around four core areas work: public engagement & education; patient support & community organizing; advocacy; and medical & scientific outreach.

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#MEAction receives $50K donation from Pineapple Fund

#MEAction is thrilled to announce that it has received a $50,000 donation from the Pineapple Fund, an anonymous donor who is one of the largest holders of Bitcoin in the world. “The #MEAction community is incredibly grateful to the Pineapple Foundation for helping our organization support the work of activists across the world fight for change

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