Category: Featured news

Extended deadline – Attend the NIH Conference with a Scholarship from #MEAction!

#MEAction is currently accepting applications from medical students and practicing medical professionals to attend the National Institutes of Health meeting on myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) research on April 4th-5th, 2019 in Bethesda, MD. The application is now due at 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 26th. The goal of the meeting is to showcase high-quality studies to better understand the state of the science

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Historic Parliamentary Debate Shaped by People with ME

Listen to the article:  On Thursday 24th January 2019 a historic debate took place. Over 40 MPs from across the political divide sat in the House of Commons to debate a motion on myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), with 27 making impassioned contributions on behalf of their constituents. Together they unanimously passed this motion: “That this

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Register Now for ME/CFS Advocacy Week 2019!

Listen to the article:  #MEAction and Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) are excited to announce a joint partnership for ME/CFS Advocacy Week & DC Lobby Day 2019!  The week of meetings with representatives, call-in actions and online events will take place from Monday, April 1 to Sunday, April 7th. The keystone event, Lobby Day 2019, when hundreds

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How to Represent ME at the Women’s March

#MEAction Colorado is organizing a small cohort to join the Women’s March in Denver this Saturday, Jan. 19th. (See details.) We plan to walk the shorter, ADA-friendly route with empty wheelchairs displaying signs that say, “Too ill to be here,” listing names of Colorado people who cannot participate due to ME, and carrying #MillionsMissing banners

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How Does ME Research Fare? Check Out these Piecharts.

Research scientist, Dr Mark Guthridge, PhD, from Melbourne Australia created this piechart to show that of these 13 diseases, people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) have the worst quality of life but the least number of scientific publications in 2018. Follow Dr. Guthridge on Twitter.                    

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Apply for Stanford Medicine X Conference as ePatient or Presenter – deadline Jan. 31st

Stanford University hosts an annual academic conference, Medicine X, every September to bring together community stakeholders, innovators and leaders in health care to empower collaborative change. This year’s Medicine X | Change conference will be held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California on Sept. 20 – 22, 2019. Stanford describes the conference as, “less

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Study Shows that Red Blood Cells are Stiffer in People with ME

Listen to the article:      Researchers have published a paper that shows various measures of deformability in the red blood cells of people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) indicating that they are significantly stiffer in people with ME/CFS than those from healthy controls. The observations suggest that red blood cell transport through microcapillaries

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2018 ME/CFS Research Summary

Commissioned and originally published by the Solve ME/CFS Initiative. Be sure to check out their interactive guide here. Follow Rochelle on Medium. 2018 was a pivotal year for ME/CFS research, yielding over 200 publications specifically addressing various aspects of ME/CFS. Foundational work emerged from prominent biomedical scientists around the globe, leveraging powerful novel technologies and

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