Category: Featured news

Meet the Staff: Holly Latham

It is an honor to volunteer and work for #MEAction. #MEAction came to me at a time in my illness when I was finally able to be online, do advocacy work, and find community. To understand why #MEAction’s mission and approach to activism is so important to me, we need to go back to my

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Thank The Senate Resolution Co-Sponsors!

Thank The Senate Resolution Co-Sponsors! This past weekend we celebrated the passing of the bipartisan Senate Resolution, S.Res. 225, in honor of International ME/CFS Awareness Day. Now is the time to thank the lead sponsors, Senator Markey and Collins, plus the other 13 Senators who co-sponsored this historic resolution!!   Two Ways to Show Your

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ME Friendly Forms of Escapism, and How Best to Undertake Them

Jack Croxall is an author, scriptwriter and blogger living in Nottinghamshire, UK. He fights ME both in life and in prose. Follow him on Twitter, on his blog, and view his books.  When you’re dealing with the symptoms of ME every minute of every day, it’s obviously difficult to forget that you’re sick. But I

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Meet the #MEAction Staff: Laurie Jones

Meet the #MEAction Staff! Over the next couple of weeks, the staff at #MEAction will be sharing their experiences and insights into what they do and what brings them to this work. I am so thankful for this opportunity for you all to get to know this amazing group of people. They are so ready

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Jennifer Brea

A Letter from Jennifer Brea about her ME Remission

Listen to the article:   #MEAction co-founder, Jennifer Brea, wrote this letter to the community about her remission of ME.  Yesterday, I shared the news with our community that all of my symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) are now in remission. This is the outcome of a long journey that began last year with surgery

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Read #MEAction’s Request for Information response to the NIH

The story so far NINDS, the National Institute for Neurological Disorder and Stroke at the NIH has solicited an RFI, or a Request for Information, from the ME community on how to advance research for myalgic encephalomyelitis.   With only a few weeks’ turn-around, the #MEAction NIH working group produced a compelling response based on information conveyed in

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We did it! This is what the #MillionsMissing Look Like.

It has been a big week, with over 100 public and virtual events happening across the world! We are honored and grateful to be in this fight for health equality with you. We showed the world that we are the #MillionsMissing – that we will fight for the recognition, treatment, and compassion we deserve for

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#MillionsMissing from ME: 2019 Stories

We asked you, the #MillionsMissing from ME to tell us your stories. We are grateful for all that you’ve shared with us and each other. We are proud to publish your words. We won’t give up the fight. Here is the collection of your stories from 2019. *We tried our best to include all of

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Twitch Gaming Show Fundraises for #MEAction!

Rat Queens, a show on the popular Twitch channel, HyperRPG, is hosting a fundraiser for #MEAction this Wednesday, May 8th at 7pm PST. Twitch is a live streaming platform and anyone can watch and participate from their homes! 100% of  the proceeds will go to #MEAction. Rat Queens (based on the Image Comic Book Series by

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