Category: Featured news

Congressman Jack Bergman becomes Champion for ME!

Up with the Marines! We are so pleased that Congressman Jack Bergman (R, MI-1), a former Marine general, has become a champion for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Michigan advocates led by Lori Chapo-Kroger, RN, president of Pandora Org, and supported by the #MEAction Congressional team, did a video conference with Rep. Bergman several months

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Introducing #MEAction’s 2019 ME Research Summary

We are thrilled to announce the release of our 2019 research summary reviewing the most current and important research into myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and ME/CFS of the past 10 years. Our research summary provides essential stakeholders with access to a compiled, digestible resource that can help them excel in their respective areas of expertise, including clinicians,

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Call for Artists! Sending postcards to doctors!

PLEASE NOTE: The Unrest CME has now expired. If you have postcards remaining, please direct your providers to this CME instead! CALL FOR ARTISTS We’re taking art submissions for our upcoming Postcards to Doctors initiative! Postcards to Doctors will work a lot like Postcards to Voters. The Postcards to Voters campaign leveraged handwritten postcards to

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Jaime Seltzer: Science Makes the Impact

People with ME are an incredibly science-literate patient population, even if that isn’t by choice: it’s the gaps in research and clinical care that have made us experts by necessity. Many of us eagerly participate in studies and engage in science discussions online. We regularly present our clinicians with new information! We understand better than

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As I Age with ME

By Marianne Granger In my forties I was moving forward fulfilling my drive to be a community organizer/communicator/coach (my day job) and also a screenwriter (a remnant of my earlier training and work as a stage actor). Being there for my grown children and reveling in the bliss of holding my grandchildren was a part

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Erin Roediger: Igniting a Fire for ME

As the U.S. Advocacy Manager for #MEAction, I have the great pleasure of connecting fully to my life’s purpose: to be part of igniting the fire for change in the world. While it took me a while to determine that purpose, this truth has always been a driving force in my life. From a young

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Action Alert: Support A Funding Increase for ME!

We need YOU to contact your Senators. Your voice makes all the difference. Our champion, Senator Markey, led two requests that can increase funding for ME/CFS research! 1) Requesting $9.9 million for ME/CFS programs at the Centers for Disease Control (Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittee) 2) Adding ME/CFS to the Peer-Reviewed Medical

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We need Effective, Strategic, and Respectful Engagement from CDC

On June 3rd the CDC held its latest MECFS Stakeholder Engagement and Communication (SEC) Webinar/Conference Call with the ME community. The need for change in the CDC’s stakeholder engagement meetings has been a long time coming. However, this Monday, the majority of the call was a presentation comprised of simple lifestyle advice for ME, including

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Why #MEAction is Taking Action towards the CDC on Two Fronts

#MEAction has announced two CDC-related advocacy actions today and yesterday.  We are asking you to contact your Senators to increase research funding for ME through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), AND we have also published an open letter to the CDC calling them out for insufficient transparency and accountability in their regular

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Meet the #MEAction Staff: Espe Moreno

I am delighted to be part of the series in which you are getting to know the #MEAction staff! My name is Espe and I am #MEAction’s UK Coordinator. I am so honoured to be a part of the staff at #MEAction. I came to #MEAction via Unrest, as I was working on the impact

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