Category: Featured news

WHY WE CARE: Directly Supporting People with ME

Erica Verrillo is founder of The American Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Society (AMMES), which provides direct assistance (rent, clothing, food, etc.) to people with ME who are in crisis in the U.S., as well as resources to the ME community. A generous donor has offered a matching donation of five thousand dollars to

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Diagnostic Criteria: Researchers and Clinicians Survey Results

Last month, we presented information about the diagnostic criteria, exploring their similarities and differences. Click here to read that article. This week, we’re reporting on a survey we sent to ME-literate researchers and clinicians.  We contacted clinicians who treat or have treated people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) as their main patient population, and researchers who study

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NIH: Dr. Koroshetz Declines to Take Urgent Action for ME. Read His Response and Take Action!

NINDS Institute director, Dr. Walter Koroshetz, has made it clear that neither he nor the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are ready to take the immediate actions needed to address the crisis of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).  In response to #MEAction’s recent letter calling on the NIH to ACTION now for ME, Dr. Koroshetz responded with bureaucratic excuses

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Demystifying the Diagnostic Criteria for ME and Related disease

  Additions and corrections Initially we stated that ICC requires three months before diagnosis; this was in error. ICC specifies that the disease can be diagnosed immediately. This has been corrected in the text and within the pdf comparing criteria. One reader pointed out a very useful misconception regarding different criteria for different purposes, which

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We Remember and Honor the Life of Heather Colman-McGill 

Our dear community, Let us take a moment to gather together and comfort one another. We are saddened to bring you news of a death in the community. Heather Colman-McGill has passed away. We send our heartfelt condolences to all of Heather’s loved ones. We know that many in our community had reached out to Heather and

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Meet the Scientist: Dr. Dane Cook

Dane Cook is Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin and Director of the March Center for Research in Exercise and Movement. He is also a member of the US. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council Working Group for ME/CFS Research Roster. How did you get involved with the area of ME research? My first

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