Category: Featured news

Charging Your Batteries

Ingebjørg Midsem Dahl has severe ME, and has written a book about pacing called, “Classic Pacing for a Better Life with ME.” She attributes her slow but steady improvement from being severe to now only housebound to following her own advice on pacing, and from various medical treatments, such as treatments for secondary infections. There

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NIH Neglect is a Key Reason for the ME/CFS Crisis

The Associated Press published a syndicated article last week profiling a study being done by the NIH on ME/CFS. The article describes well the severity of ME, and the immense challenges our community faces, including lack of treatments, difficulty getting a diagnosis, skeptical doctors and a lack of knowledge about the disease. While the AP

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Marcie Zinn sitting at a computer, pointing something out to a colleague.

Marcie Zinn was a Force for ME

We are deeply saddened by the sudden death of Marcie Zinn, PhD, who was a dedicated researcher, advocate and person with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Marcie died of sudden heart failure on Dec. 28, 2019.    Marcie and her husband, Mark, founded the Neurocognitive Research Institute (NCRI), a non-profit that specializes in 3D-mapping of the brain to

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Danish Health Authority Refuses to Recognize WHO Definition for ME

The fight continues in Denmark for proper recognition and care for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Last March in a huge victory for people with ME, Danish MPs unanimously agreed on a declaration that will recognise ME as a distinct disease, remove it from the “functional somatic syndromes” category, and promote the World Health Organization

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NIH Receives Surprise Holiday Gift from ME Community

It was a big holiday season for Dr. Walter Koroshetz who oversees ME/CFS research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)!  As part of our Cards for Koroshetz Campaign, people with ME, caretakers and allies sent Dr. Koroshetz 500 holiday cards with their stories of living with a neglected and shunned disease. They told Dr. Koroshetz

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We Celebrate the Life and Legacy of a Warrior for ME

It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of ME community advocate, Cindy Siegel Shepler. Cindy lived with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and multiple other health issues. She dedicated much of her increasingly limited time and energy to advocacy, increased awareness, and increasing research funds for ME.  She had a true passion to protect

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Why Claudia Carrera is Fighting for ME Research

Claudia Carrera, 35, was halfway through her graduate program in musicology at New York University when her mild symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) became severe. She tried pushing through, but eventually had to return home to be cared for by her parents. Nowadays, she oscillates between accepting she may never accomplish her life goals––finish her

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Cards for Koroshetz: Send a Holiday Card to NIH Demanding Action!

This holiday season, the #MEAction community plans to flood the mailbox of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) with holiday cards calling for NIH NINDS Director, Dr. Walter Koroshetz, to take immediate ACTIONS to end the crisis of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). We need your help! Take action with us: Send Dr Koroshetz a holiday

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