Category: Featured news

text: fail

NIH & CDC leadership are failing people with ME/CFS

#MEAction has written an open letter to NIH institute director, Dr. Walter Koroshetz, and CDC division director Dr. Inger Damon to express our lack of confidence in their interagency approach to ME/CFS. Drs. Koroshetz and Damon co-lead the Interagency ME/CFS Working Group, which met last month, and oversee the ME/CFS program activities within their respective

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Investigating the impact of Covid-19 on ME – Survey

Please help #MEAction UK and #MEAction Scotland by taking part in this survey to find out the effect that Covid-19 has on people with ME. Take the survey We are working in collaboration with Action for ME to gather evidence on the impact of Covid-19 on our community. We have heard many stories from people

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Solve M.E.’s Advocacy Week and the Long Covid Alliance

Solve M.E. Advocacy week will be from Sunday, April 18th, 2021 to Saturday, April 24th, 2021. As a core member of the Long Covid Alliance and a partner on Advocacy Day, #MEAction would like to encourage you to participate in this important event if you are able. The keystone event is Advocacy Day, on Tuesday,

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NHS England omits advice to apply clinical judgement re vaccine

It has come to light that a letter from NHS England and NHS Improvement to all vaccination centres and GPs in the UK has omitted advice that health professionals can and should apply their clinical judgement when placing people in group 6. Vaccination of people with underlying health conditions that put them at risk of

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Waiting for Superman Book on table

Waiting for Superman – UK Book Giveaway and Review

Do you want to win a free copy of Waiting for Superman? We have three copies to give away to people in the UK!  To enter, all you have to do is follow #MEAction UK on Instagram, like and comment on this post. The deadline is 9am (GMT) Monday 8th March! Win a copy! Thank

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#MEAction activists outside Scottish Parliament

Scottish Election! Ask your MSPs to support people with ME

If you live in Scotland, please join our campaign to ask your MSPs to pledge their support for people with ME. Email your MSPs The Holyrood elections are coming up on 6 May 2021 and we want to make sure that MSPs are aware of ME and the desperate need for support. There are more

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