Category: Featured news

A sign that says pause against the backdrop of a blue sky. Let us pause together before Severe ME Day.

A Pause Before Severe ME Day 2021

Our community is fighting every day to bring hope, health and justice to people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). In August we especially take time to honor the 25 percent living with the most severe form of this disease and remember those who have died from ME. August 8th marks the Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Day

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CDC website in browser tab

Sign on to #MEAction’s response to flawed CDC review

MEAction Response to CDC #MEAction has released a draft response to the CDC’s flawed systematic evidence review on ME/CFS treatments. Sign our form by August 15, 2021 to have your name added to #MEAction’s response before we formally submit it as a public comment on August 16. We need to demonstrate strong community opposition in

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Connecting Black People with ME and/or long Covid in the UK

Darren Randon, a poet, qualified teacher, community builder, facilitator, host and co-founder of Well Versed Ink from Thornton Heath, is launching a new group aimed at supporting Black and Black-mixed people with ME and/or long Covid in the UK. The group plans to create a safe space to share experiences and create community with the

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Help prioritise ME/CFS research by filling in this survey A major UK project is looking for your input. They want to know what research you think should be funded in the future, and the deadline for adding your ideas is fast approaching. Your responses must be in by Monday 5th July 2021. Find out more

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#MEAction Hosts an Artist’s Salon During #MillionsMissing

#MEAction Hosts an Artist’s Salon During #MillionsMissing

Activism comes in many forms, and #MEAction recognizes the significant role that art can play, not only as healing and cathartic expression, but as a powerful tool to move hearts and drive change. The ME community is host to talented artists all over the world, and we wanted to celebrate their gifts by hosting a

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woman raising four fingers

CDC releases post-COVID guidance: 4 takeaways for ME/CFS

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published interim guidance for evaluating and caring for patients with post-COVID conditions.* The CDC will present this guidance to clinicians on a public COCA Call on Thursday, June 17th from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET. This guidance deserves a detailed review of what has

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Graphic of people sitting on stools having a discussion

Cochrane redux

Get caught up!  Start with Cochrane Analysis: What’s Here, What’s Missing, Conclusions What has gone on before Cochrane Reviews are well-known systematic reviews of studies in healthcare, and are internationally recognized — enough to be considered the last word in healthcare as far as some medical publications are concerned.  In 2019, Larun et al. wrote

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