Category: Featured actions

Send this personal appeal to healthy volunteers

Hi, everyone!  This is more of an opinion piece, though it does have to do with #MillionsMissing. As you might imagine, we will really need healthy people to come out and support us: to help with setup and cleanup; to hand out water and food; and to raise their voices alongside our own.  I wrote

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Share #DontIgnoreME films to raise awareness

This M.E. Awareness Month, our is simple: don’t ignore M.E. To spread this message, Action for M.E. launched three films as part of M.E. Awareness Week. Starring Sharon and Douglas, who have M.E., Sharon’s partner Connor, and our medical advisers Dr Gregor Purdie and Prof Julia Newton, each focuses on a different aspect of M.E. and its impact.

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Use these incredible #MillionsMissing posters!

Recently, a #MillionsMissing artist has created a compelling series of posters for the campaign that illustrate the concept of disappearance from one’s own life with incredible eloquence.  Feel free to use this idea, or to make use of the posters below.  You are also welcome to add information to the bottom of the global versions

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Attend the Protest Meeting Tomorrow

These demands were originally intended for a protest in Washington D.C. alone, but over time, #MillionsMissing has grown into a national, multi-city protest. With that in mind, we will have an open community meeting on Wed. May 11th, 2 pm EDT to discuss the demands and receive input from the community.  We will also be

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Download the #MillionsMissing Twibbon

Announcing the #MillionsMissing Twibbon — now it’s easier than ever to add the #MillionsMissing filter to your photo on Facebook and Twitter!  All it takes is the click of a button. The page also provides: easy-to-use tweets and Facebook posts announcing your support for the #MillionsMissing protest a place to create an email about the

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Send your shoes to #MillionsMissing by Thursday

#MillionsMissing is calling for some literal boots on the ground, and the deadline is fast approaching.  If you want your shoes to be displayed at the U.S. main protest in Washington D.C., your shoes must be postmarked no later than May 12. If you send your shoes past this date, they may be used for

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Purchase your #MillionsMissing T-Shirt!

#MEAction proudly announces the launch of its #MillionsMissing Zazzle Store! You can purchase #MillionsMissing tee shirts and buttons for the upcoming protest on May 25.  We encourage protesters to wear them to the event as well, to create a visual cohesiveness.  However, you are welcome to wear a red shirt of your choosing, or any

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