Category: Community

A Trial of ME – Elizabeth’s Story

This is me, my story, I am one of the millions missing. I may not look ill to you, but if you see me, it will be because I am having a ‘good’ day because I am well enough to be able to get dressed and leave the house. The rest of the time I

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Postcards to Doctors Featured Artist: Lia Pas

#MEAction’s Postcards to Doctors initiative has continued to be an incredible success! Thanks to the hard work of the #MEAction community we have sent postcards to nearly 6,000 clinicians across the United States. We could not have done this without the invaluable contributions from the artists who designed our postcards.   #MEAction would like to

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Degrees of Distance

Many of us (housebound/bedbound) worry about dear ones who are sick, infirm, or struggling, esp. if we live afar. We feel not being there when we need to be, want to be, no matter what the circumstances, as failed fidelity, incurring a debt of love.

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Are you Disabled? How does ME fit into the Disabled People’s Movement?

Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in a statement of principles and values as well

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Volunteer of the Month: An Ally of Many Talents

Malcolm Bailey from the UK has bailed us out with his tech savvy skills on more than one occasion. We are so lucky to be able to rely on his dependable help for projects both small and large. As he describes it, ” As a healthy ally I’ve done everything from editing videos, ordering and distributing

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Why We Must Build Coalitions to Strengthen our Movement

Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in a statement of principles and values as well

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Inside / Outside Activism: Why We Must Shout in the Streets and Sit at the Table.

Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in a statement of principles and values as well

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Why Civil Disagreement and Respect are Essential to the ME Movement

VALUES & POLICY INITIATIVE Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in a statement of principles and values as well

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Words from the Depths of Severe ME: Honoring the life of Rosie

Photo is of Rosie with her niece 10 years ago.  Today we honor the life of Rosie Bayman who died from severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) one year ago, today.* Rosie, from Warwickshire, England, had ME for five years before she died. Rosie wrote poetry in her head when she had to lie in darkness and in silence,

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Why We Must Build an Open, Grassroots Movement

Listen to the article:  Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in

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