Category: All News

Takeaways from The ME Association's CBT, GET, and Pacing Report

ME/CFS Illness Management Survey Results “No Decisions about me without me” The ME Association just released the results of a patient survey taken in 2012 that covered management and self-management courses commonly offered to patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome. The report (available in full on the ME Association website)

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Q&A with the OMF Severely Ill Big Data Study

The Open Medicine Foundation’s big data study on severely ill patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an exciting new project designed to uncover biomarkers by studying the sickest of the sick. Want to learn more? Your pressing questions about the study are answered below.   How long will it take to do the study?

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New hope for those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Could new cytokine research be paving the way to a diagnostic test for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Excerpted from Columbia Magazine – Spring issue: As many as four million Americans are thought to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, a disease characterized by symptoms that include persistent lethargy, headaches, muscle pain, mental fogginess, and sleep problems

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Recapping ME/CFS Awareness Day – #May12BlogBomb

May 12th is Awareness Day for ME, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Every year bloggers use this opportunity to express their views and to raise the profile of these often misunderstood and maligned conditions. A call was put out to bloggers to participate in a #May12BlogBomb. The loose theme this

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Recapping ME Awareness Day – May 12th, 2015

While ME awareness day does not garner the attention that other illness do, patients and advocates are working hard to bring light to the issues. EmpowerHer summarizes the inspiring actions and events that took place this year: Monuments were lit up around the world including Peace Bridge in the United States, and Langevan Bridge, Niagara Falls, CN

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New Potential Cause of ME Found

New potential cause of ME found. Research found that Important signalling mechanisms are disrupted with receptors in the brain, gut, cardiovascular and immune systems. Research findings will be presented at the end of May 2015. Read more…

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ME Awareness at the Brighton Wheel and Brighton Sea Life Center

  The Brighton Wheel and the Brighton Sea Life Centre were lit up blue last night in support of ME Awareness. A group of ME Mums and Dad’s held posters from Action for ME for photographs that will be published along with an article on ME in the Argus newspaper. The photos were also circulated

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Scientists find clues into cognitive dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome

A unique pattern of immune molecules in the cerebrospinal fluid of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome have been discovered, providing insights into the basis for cognitive dysfunction –frequently described by patients as ‘brain fog’– as well as new hope for improvements in diagnosis and treatment. Read more here

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