What Did the Parliamentary Unrest Event Achieve?
Tuesday 24th Oct., 2017 will long be remembered as a significant day for anyone involved in ME politics.
Tuesday 24th Oct., 2017 will long be remembered as a significant day for anyone involved in ME politics.
The Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) announced the recipients of the 2017 Ramsay Award Program on Tuesday. The Ramsay Award Program, now in its second year, is a competitive grant that funds ME/CFS researchers at every stage of their careers. The five winning proposals receive one year of funding to research a diverse range of topics including immunology, bioenergetics, metabolomics, microbiome and neuroendocrine biology. The awardees hail from six different countries across the globe.
Learn about science that OMF is supporting. Follow OMF on Facebook and Twitter.
The Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) held its second annual Discovery Forum Saturday October 14. The forum dubbed “a new era in ME/CFS research” brought together leaders from academia, government agencies, private clinics, biotech and research institutions to discuss developments in the field of ME/CFS research.
Keep up-to-date on this issue by following the Twitter accounts @mecvsnieuws and @ME_gids More than 10,400 signatures for the Dutch petition ‘ME is not MU(P)S’ (Medically Unexplained (Physical) Symptoms) was presented to Prof. van Gool, president of the Dutch Health Council three weeks ago on September 18th. The petition aims to hold the Dutch Health Council
OMF expands international outreach. Corrected link to the translation page.
Announcing Discovery Forum 2017: A New Era in ME/CFS Research
Announcing the generous pledge of an OMF family to match donations 3 to 1 for Triple Giving Tuesday OMF.
OMF begins translation program to strengthen international ties.
Watch individual presentations and Q&A from the Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS.