My Truth, Our Trauma, & A Call to Keep Fighting
Reflections from the World AIDS Day White House Protest
Reflections from the World AIDS Day White House Protest
AIDS, ME/CFS & Long COVID activists demand Biden, Congress fund pandemic plans
White House Must Confront Global Health Nightmare of Colliding Pandemics
Congress launched ARPA-H (the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health) this past March to focus on high-risk, high-reward research projects with the goal to solve intractable health problems. As ARPA-H is in the process of hiring its first cohort of program managers, #MEAction and a coalition of chronic disease advocacy groups have published an open
#MEAction has sent the following email to editors at New York Magazine to request it remove its fallacious article about Long COVID and ME.
Taking BOLD ACTION with our press outreach has led to national media writing about ME.
#MillionsMissing France has been busy.
Post-viral conditions like ME/CFS provide guidance for estimating the economic impact of Long COVID.
Code change will ensure US can track diagnosed cases of ME/CFS in newly created electronic health records
There has been so much happening since the #MillionsMissing protest on September 19th. We’ve shared some of our amazing press wins. You tuned into the live stream on Twitter. You saw the article that cover our government’s response. We are thrilled. And we want to take a moment to acknowledge all of the amazing activism