Category: Advocacy

An Update from #MEAction

#MEAction has been a leader in the fight for health equity for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis for the past six years, as led by our visionary co-founder and first executive director, Jen Brea, and then by our current executive director, Julia Miele, over the past year. Julia has helped our growing organization streamline our processes,

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#MillionsMissing 2022 Will be in Two Parts

This year, we are excited to announce that #MillionsMissing will be held in two parts: May and September! #MillionsMissing is about demonstrating our community’s collective refusal to let the stories of people with ME be erased, or access to healthcare and medical research blocked. We protest against all barriers to justice for the growing community

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NICE guideline to be implemented in Scotland

NICE news for Scotland! Throughout the development of the NICE guideline for ME/CFS, #MEAction Scotland has been in regular contact with the Scottish Government about the change needed in Scotland. Now that the guideline has been published, the government has got in touch to involve us in a development. What is the plan?The government plans

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Facets of ME

We are excited to launch an all-new educational feature – Facets of ME! We will be diving into the multiple facets of ME/CFS including symptoms, comorbidities, practical tips, and more. Our goal is to take the first Friday of each month and delve into one particular facet of ME in a way that is easy

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National Institutes of Health campus buildings from above

NIH Long COVID research lacks clear plan to identify and track ME/CFS

MEAction has written to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) expressing our deep concern that the RECOVER Initiative research agenda lacks a clear plan for how to accurately identify or consistently track the onset of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) cases among patients with Long COVID. This is of particular importance because a sizable fraction

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The Last Two Years Changed the World…

What a year 2021 was! People with ME have always faced formidable challenges: every day combatting stigma, lack of understanding from clinicians, NIH’s and CDC’s low budgetary commitments, and a world of challenges navigating disability on top of symptoms.  It’s no exaggeration to say that 2020 and 2021 changed the world – and the world of chronic,

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CDC decides not to publish flawed ME/CFS treatments review!

As we enter the holidays we have a positive development to report coming out of yesterday’s ME/CFS stakeholder call with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC has announced that it will not publish a systematic evidence review of ME/CFS treatments by the Oregon Health Science University Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) in

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Medieval Town of Med-Ed Featured Image

#MEAction Arrives in the Medieval Town of Med-Ed

Here’s a hearty hello from the Medieval Town of Medical Education!  Lords and Ladies,  We did it!… we got over $75,000 (£56,781) which means we have arrived at this new land on our Giving Adventure Map. I’m Laurie Jones, the Managering Elf, and I am going to tell you what awesome stalls await you at

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NICE Committee Community Call featured image

NICE Committee Member Community Call Review

Two NICE ME/CFS guideline committee members joined #MEAction for a community call, to provide their insight into the guideline process and answer questions. Adam Lowe is a person with ME and has been supporter of various ME organisations, including #MEAction UK and Science for ME. He was one of five lay members on the committee.

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