Category: Advocacy

BOLD ACTION is a Commitment to Healthcare Justice for People with ME

BOLD ACTION to me, means mobilizing our community to publicly demonstrate our deep and intense—as opposed to shallow and passive—commitment to seeing healthcare justice for people with ME. It is about bringing our issues to the forefront of public consciousness and putting strong pressure on our leaders to act. Taking BOLD ACTION is both a

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A mass lie down outside of the Scottish Parliament as part of Millions Missing Scotland 2022. Approximately 30 people are lying on the floor in front of the entrance to the parliament. Many are wearing red. A small group are sitting and standing in the distance, looking on. Overlaid is a red block with text that says ‘Ask your MSPs to sign motion S6M-06112.’ The ME Action Scotland logo is in the bottom right corner.

Ask your MSPs to sign motion S6M-06112 and support people with ME

At #MillionsMissing Scotland many MSPs pledged their support for people with ME, and now they have a chance to follow up on that commitment. And we need you to let them know about it! Sue Webber, MSP for Lothian, has put forward a motion that asks the Scottish Parliament to recognise the outcomes and recommendations

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A group of people stand outside the Scottish Parliament building at Millions Missing Scotland 2022 looking serious. Many of them are wearing red ME Action t-shirts. Some people are holding signs that say Millions Missing. In the middle, someone is holding a large piece of card with a pledge on it and signatures of MSPs. One person is in a wheelchair and one is on a mobility scooter.

Members of the Scottish Parliament pledge their support for #MillionsMissing

On Wednesday 28th September, #MEAction Scotland led a successful #MillionsMissing demonstration outside the Scottish Parliament – the first time it’s been held in-person for three years. While it was in some ways a smaller event than #MillionsMissing Scotland was in 2018 and 2019, what it lacked in spectacle it made up for in engagement from

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Multiple pictures of people faces in red shirts behind a red overlay with a MEAction logo and the words #MillionsMissing Activism from Home in a gray box over the pictures.

#MillionsMissing 2022: Activism From Home Was Beyond Impressive

There has been so much happening since the #MillionsMissing protest on September 19th. We’ve shared some of our amazing press wins. You tuned into the live stream on Twitter. You saw the article that cover our government’s response. We are thrilled.  And we want to take a moment to acknowledge all of the amazing activism

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hand holding a paper sheet with injustice, unfairness symbol over crowded street background.

Tell HHS about your experience of healthcare discrimination

People with ME, Long COVID and other complex, chronic diseases have experienced all kinds of healthcare discrimination. Now there is an opportunity for you to share your story and urge our government to move forward with improved protections to secure access to healthcare that is free from discrimination or prejudice. The deadline to submit a

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#MillionsMissing Press Hits are Rolling In!

The press hits are rolling in! The media showed up in a big way yesterday to cover our #MillionsMissing protest in front of the White House.   One day after President Biden declared the “pandemic is over,” our community was at the gates of the White House to send Biden a message that a pandemic of chronic

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Red box at the top says Join us at #MillionsMissing Scotland! Then there is a picture of people gathered at a protest holding signs and wearing read shirts, some are in wheelchairs. Low bottom of the image has a red box that says New Date: Wednesday, 28th September 12:30-2:30pm

New date for #MillionsMissing Scotland

Following the postponement of #MillionsMissing Scotland, the demonstration has been rescheduled to Wednesday 28th September. #MillionsMissing Scotland will now take place on Wednesday 28th September, from 12.30-2.30pm. We appreciate this isn’t a lot of notice but we are keen to build on the momentum the event has already gained and to hold it while it

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Red #MilllionsMissing words with a red string underneath, laid upon a image of books on shelves. Red square with the #MEAction Scotland Logo and the words #MillionsMissing Scotland 14th September- POSTPONED!

#MillionsMissing Scotland postponed

The #MillionsMissing Scotland demonstration, due to take place on Wednesday 14th, has had to be postponed. Following the death of Her Majesty the Queen, the Scottish Parliament is suspended, which means we won’t be able to achieve the aims of the event. We appreciate that it’s disappointing and apologise for any inconvenience caused, particularly to

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