Australia: Discuss Primary Health Care for Chronic Conditions
Australian survey on ‘Better Outcomes for People with Chronic and Complex Conditions Through Primary Health Care’
Australian survey on ‘Better Outcomes for People with Chronic and Complex Conditions Through Primary Health Care’
I am one of the 250,000 people in the UK suffering with CFS/ME. Please help us to get the help that we so desperately need.
Ampligen price more than doubling in the US? As many patients who are receiving Ampligen in the US already know, the price of Ampligen is set to dramatically increase. Two patients I spoke with today said the price would more than double from $75 a vial to $200 per bottle. At their current dosages, that would raise the
The UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is asking for suggestions from patients, carers and members of the public for tests and treatments that need to be researched.
Jennie Spotila is an ME/CFS patient and advocate who has done extensive research on government funding for CFS. She recently discovered that the latest Senate committee report for CDC appropriations appears to recommend completely defunding CFS research. She points out that the cut is not a done deal as the House and Senate need to
Help Find a Cure for Whitney Dafoe and others like him!
Hearing that funding has been reduced to nothing is heartbreaking. Please hear out these words from something who is suffering, and help him:
The US funding equality petition has over 4,000 signatures. We still have a lot of work to do to get to our goal of 50,000 signatures nationwide. As we learned from the Dutch campaign, the only way to get to get large numbers is to take the petition into the streets. Help us increase signatures for
Action for M.E. is submitting feedback to the United Kingdom’s House of Lords Select Committee on Equality Act The call for evidence covers a number of specific areas, so Action for ME is asking you to respond to a set of questions to help them form a response. Don’t worry if you aren’t able to
The US NIH requests public comments on their strategic plan The United States National Institutes of Health wants feedback from you on their proposed strategic plan for the next 5 years. Jennie Spotila at Occupy CFS explains why this is important: One of the major weakness of the plan is that it leaves all the
Is your senator a member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee? Do you have friends or family living in the following states? SIGN AND SHARE YOUR STATE PETITION ALASKA * COLORADO * CONNECTICUT * GEORGIA * ILLINOIS * KANSAS * KENTUCKY * MAINE * MARYLAND * MASSACHUSETTS * MINNESOTA