Category: Advocacy

A laptop sitting on a desk. In the background, you can see a cup and saucer, some post-it notes and a folder. On the screen is the Scottish Government's website, with a large title that says 'Scottish Good Practice Statement on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME-CFS).' A red banner is at the bottom of the photo with white writing which says, '#MEAction Scotland responds to the updated Scottish Good Practice Statement on ME.’ The ME Action Scotland logo is in the top left corner.

#MEAction Scotland responds to the updated Scottish Good Practice Statement

The Scottish Government published the updated Scottish Good Practice Statement (SGPS) on ME-CFS on 28th February 2023.  The decision to update the Scottish Good Practice Statement, originally published in 2010, was a result of the Scottish stakeholder review of the 2021 NICE guideline on ME/CFS, and its recommendations for implementing the guideline in Scotland. The

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#MEAction logo is in white in the top left corner and the words Colorado State Chapter are in white laying across an image of snow capped mountains and pine trees. There is a bottom section of the image that is a green box with the words Working-With-Governors-Office-to-Create A New Senior Policy Advisor Role-Leading to Statewide Report on Long COVID

#MEAction Colorado Works With Governor’s Office to Create A New Senior Policy Advisor Role on Long COVID and Post Viral Infection Planning–Leading to Statewide Report on Long COVID

#MEAction Colorado’s first legislative effort in Colorado began with an ME/CFS day declaration in the Colorado Legislature on February 25, 2020. Representative Alex Valdez read into the legislative record a proclamation about the presence of and deleterious effects of ME in Colorado. This effort was relatively easy to accomplish and consisted of finding a representative

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A screenshot of Sue Webber MSP opening the debate on ME in the Scottish Parliament. Sue is a white woman with blonde hair. She’s wearing a flowery blouse, a dark jacket and a chunky necklace. The desks of the Debating Chamber are around her, and some other MSPs can be partially seen. At the bottom of the image, the words The Scottish Parliament debate on ME are written in black over a red box. The #MEAction Scotland logo is at the bottom, right hand corner.

The Scottish Parliament debate on ME

Article summary: Sue Webber MSP’s Member’s Business debate took place in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 2nd February, 2023. It was a successful debate with a good turnout of MSPs from across all parties, and it had to be extended due to the amount of MSPs who wanted to speak. There were calls on the

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DHSC released a new progress Report

DHSC has released an update on the progress of the work underway to support the development of a Delivery Plan on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue. This is dated from December 2022.You can read the full report using the link below: DHSC Information Bulletin Dec 22 FINAL MECFS updated

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Gold fireworks lighting up over a black background. The words, TOP HITS 2022 is in the center in white lettering. the words: #MEAction accomplished a lot last year is undernether with the #MEAction logo

Let’s Look at #MEAction’s Top Hits from 2022

As we ring in the new year, it is a wonderful time to reflect on how much #MEAction accomplished in a very busy and exciting 2022! There are so many wins to share, so we decided to narrow down the list to our TOP HITS! ——————- #MILLIONSMISSING 2022: * Bringing together the powerful Virtual #MillionsMissing

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A photo from Millions Missing Scotland of a group of 20 protestors outside the Scottish Parliament. They’re looking serious and holding signs that say Millions Missing, and a pledge signed by MSPs. Many are wearing red ME Action t-shirts. A yellow icon of a person is overlaid next to them with an arrow pointing to it and the words ‘Could it be your MSP?’ A red banner along the bottom says ‘Share your story and ask your MSPs to stand up for people with ME.’

Ask your MSPs to stand up for people with ME

Sue Webber MSP’s motion about ME will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 2nd February – and your MSPs should be there! The motion calls on the Scottish Parliament to recognise the outcomes and recommendations of the stakeholder report on ME, including education of healthcare professionals and development of specialist services. We’re pleased

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Red graphic with white text which says '#MEAction Scotland’s November community call.' Below is a graphic of a pair of hands typing on a laptop. On the screen is nine people on a video call and there are speech bubbles on either side.

#MEAction Scotland’s November Community Call

#MEAction Scotland’s latest community call took place on Wednesday, 23rd November. People with ME from across Scotland joined four volunteers to catch up on what #MEAction Scotland has been doing since the summer. First up was feedback on a very successful #MillionsMissing event at the end of September. The main focus of that event was

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