Category: Advocacy

Patients send Norwegian Research Council over 700 research ideas

The Norwegian Research Council has announced that it received 737 research proposals from ME/CFS patients and their families in response to a call for ideas in April. Patients and others were invited to send in their ideas by May 3, using a short online form. In the call for proposals in April, Mr Hallén had

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The UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative to livestream AGM on 27 April

The 2016 Annual General Meeting of the UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative (CMRC) will be livestreamed on Wednesday 27 April, from 2.45 pm to 3.30 pm British Summer Time. Viewers must preregister. The agenda of the AGM is as follows: Welcome and apologies Annual report 2014-15 Charter revisions/approval Plans for 2015-16 Membership of the Board Any other business

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Communications with NIH

We wanted to be clear about our communications with NIH since there has been some conflicting information. The founders of #MEAction have never met with Dr Collins, Dr Koroshetz, Dr Nath, or anyone else on the intramural study. We have requested several times to meet with Dr Koroshetz and Dr Nath so that we could share the

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Caravana La Paz: The continued fight for equality in Bolivia

On March 21st, the brave Bolivian AKIPerDis protestors began their 265 mile journey by wheelchair through the Andes mountains to capital La Paz to demand equality and livable disability pensions. The group has already come face-to-face with adversity in many of its forms in the roughly 100 miles that they’ve traveled since the 21st of March. Amidst death

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Petition: Keep psychiatry out of NIH study on ME/CFS

This is the first study on ME/CFS conducted by NIH in two decades. One million patients suffer from this disease, too long neglected by both CDC and NIH. It is critical that the Principle Investigators recognize existing biomedical research on the disease, as well as the results of recently commissioned studies by the Institute of Medicine for DHHS and the P2P (Pathways to Prevention) program at NIH.

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Clarification on NINDS role in ME/CFS Research

After the March 8th telebriefing with the NIH, many advocates in the ME community still came away with questions. Billie Moore, NJME/CFSA Advocacy Chair, and member of the USAWGaAnd CDC’s TDW Workgroup, was one of them. Though representatives of the NIH spoke at great length about the big picture of the new ME/CFS efforts that the organization is

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#MEAction meets with Senate staffers

This week #MEAction, in collaboration with Solve ME/CFS and USAWG, conducted advocacy efforts with members of Congress to make two key requests for the benefit of greater ME/CFS medical research funding. Senators were asked to support a letter to NIH Director Francis Collins requesting that an equitable share of the $2 billion increase in fiscal

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Participate in the Tuesday March 8th NIH telebriefing

On Tuesday, March 8th at 10am ET, the NIH is holding a one hour tele-briefing to answer the community’s questions about their plans for the intramural study and the ME/CFS program. Due to the limitations of the technology, only 100 lines are available. Call-in information has been sent to a select number of advocates including members of

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