Category: Advocacy


Journal of Health Psychology Special Issue on The PACE Trial, Vol. 22,  No 9, Aug. 2017 Publication date: 31 July 2017   A Special Issue of the Journal of Health Psychology on the PACE Trial, is to be published and freely available online on Monday 31 July 2017. It marks a special contribution of

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#MEAction UK response to NICE 2017

#MEAction UK response to NICE 2017 Background information UK clinical guidelines are written by a body called the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). The current guidelines were last revised in 2007 and contain recommendations that people with ME consider unsuitable and potentially harmful. These guidelines also impact how ME is perceived in

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Jennie Spotila: NIH's management of conflict of interest

EDITOR’S NOTE: This reporting is written by Jennie Spotila Next week, the NIH will convene a peer review panel to evaluate and score the applications submitted under the Data Center and Collaborative Research Center RFAs. NIH’s management of conflict of interest is key to understanding who is – and who is not – on the

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Tuller on PACE Investigation Plans: Not Beholden to Anyone

#MEAction sat down with David Tuller recently for a wide-ranging discussion about the crowdfunding effort to help him continue his PACE investigations, the devastating stories he has heard from patients around the world, the poor media coverage of the PACE Trial flaws, and the ideal end result of all of the work he is doing. David Tuller

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Passionate Pragmatist: Carol Head and the Fight for ME/CFS Equality: The SMCI Pt. I

One of my deeply held personal values is that ALL people must be treated  respectfully…I have found that respectful, highly knowledgeable, forceful advocacy language that expresses the desperate needs of our community is the most effective. But please do not mistake my professional, respectful demeanor as anything less than a cover for my righteous indignation and outrage at the inhumanity of our community’s treatment” Carol Head

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Thank Senator Markey for Sponsoring the Congressional ME Briefing

Back in February 2017, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)  publicly announced at a packed town hall meeting that he would advocate for ME. A few short months later, he did just that! His first act as an ME advocate was to sponsor a Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill on May 18th. The briefing — which included

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City Proclamation for ME: How-To Guide and Case Study

Timbre Livesay and Mary Dimmock contributed to this article. This is an outline of the steps a California ME advocate, Mark Camenzind, took for getting city proclamations for ME. Below the steps is a template you can use for your own city proclamation. Feel free to adapt either for your city’s needs. As this is

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State Resolution for ME: How-to Guide and Case Study

Rivka Solomon and Mary Dimmock contributed to this article This document includes the steps ME advocates are taking to get a State Resolution for ME passed in their State House (aka State Assembly or State Legislature). It also includes a draft template of a resolution for you to use in your state. Why pursue a state

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Impact of proposed NIH and CDC cuts on ME Research

How would the proposed NIH and CDC Budget Cuts affect ME research? News organizations recently reported that President Donald Trump’s administration has asked the House and Senate to approve budget cuts for 2017 of $1.232 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and $314 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Thank Senator Markey for promising to help ME patients

On Thursday, Feb. 23, I attended a packed town hall meeting in Northampton, Massachusetts with my U.S. senator, Ed Markey (D-MA). Around 1,400 constituents were present in both the main auditorium and the overflow room where the event was live streamed. I was one of the few who got to ask a question. I asked

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