Category: Advocacy

A red background with slight paper texture to it is displayed with Body Politic mustard yellow in a wave shape at the bottom. Above the background there are three white illustrations of forearms with hands in a fist rising from the bottom of the image. At the top, center is the text: We are stronger together. It is flanked on both sides by the Body Politic and #MEAction logo.

 #MEAction & Body Politic: We Are Stronger Together

Announcing #MEAction and Body Politic’s new collaboration: we are excited to announce that #MEAction will now host Body Politic’s advocacy work as a project of #MEAction. Many of you know that Body Politic’s support group has officially closed. This was a devastating loss to the community – we know so much of the Long COVID

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On a red background the words, ​​"Bed activism" at the Washington Monument & A Politics of Care by Ben HsuBorger in white. The #MEAction logo in the bottom righthand corner.

​​”Bed activism” at the Washington Monument & A Politics of Care

I’ve been involved in planning many #MillionsMissing actions during my time with #MEAction, but for me, protesting at the Washington Monument this past May 12th was a different—even surreal—experience.  The installation of cots was so large that I could see people coming across the mall to see what it was. I would tell them that

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A laptop sitting on a desk. In the background, you can see a cup and saucer, some post-it notes and a folder. On the screen is the Scottish Government's website, with a large title that says 'Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Services in Scotland: Findings from an analysis of surveys issued to NHS Boards in Autumn 2022.' A red banner is at the bottom of the photo with the ME Action Scotland logo and text which says, 'ME Action Scotland response to the Health Board survey about ME.’

#MEAction Scotland response to the survey of Health Boards

On 16th May 2023, the Scottish Government published the findings from an analysis of surveys issued to NHS Health Boards to understand delivery of ME services and implementation of the updated NICE guideline.  #MEAction Scotland welcomes the survey activity and report, as it provides useful evidence about the current issues people with ME are facing

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A red box on the left hand side features the #MEAction logo and the words Staff Share their #MillionsMissing Experience. On the right hand side is a photo of staff at the Washington Monument with red cots and chairs in the background.

Staff Share Their First-Hand Experiences from #MillionsMissing 2023

While we are busy working to create a new online experience to highlight all the images and speeches from #MillionsMissing 2023 at the Washington Monument, we wanted to share with you some first-hand, touching experiences from the staff who were there. Each #MillionsMissing has had something special to offer and this year’s surpassed expectations with

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Image features newspappers folder up and stacked together vertically. There is a red box in the center that has the words, Why We Keep Telling the Story of ME to the Press in white and the #MEAction logo in the righhand corner of the box.

Why We Keep Telling the Story of ME to the Press

Our press work continues to drum a strong beat as we tell the story of ME everyday to the media. We will continue to fight for our community’s decades of expertise living with, treating and researching ME to be heard, and integrated into our government’s Long COVID response. We refused to be erased from the

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the words " #MillionsMissing 2023: Scotland calls for healthcare education" appear in white on a red-muted background with the #MEAction Scotland UK logo in the bottom right hand corner.

#MillionsMissing 2023: Scotland calls for healthcare education

This year, #MEAction Scotland’s #MillionsMissing campaign focussed on raising awareness of the reality of living with ME and called for education and training for healthcare professionals to improve support for people with ME across Scotland. Ahead of ME Awareness week, we put out a call, alongside #MEAction UK, to ask members of the ME community

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Group of ME Action volunteers standing outside the Scottish Parliament at Millions Missing 2022, wearing red ME Action t-shirts and smiling at the camera. Two in the middle are holding a large sign which says Millions Missing spaced in between outlines of people.

#MEAction Scotland’s plans for #MillionsMissing

This year, #MEAction Scotland will be doing smaller, more focused activities for #MillionsMissing than previous years, and we are asking the community to take part in the digital campaign, rather than joining us in person. We also need people to email their MSPs, which there is information about below. Volunteers are planning two main activities

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2023 #MillionsMissing in white and black on a red background. The words, Join the UK and Scotland Digital Campaign in black marker font towards the bottom. The #MEAction UK and Scotland logos are the bottom left and right hand corners.

Join the UK and Scotland’s digital campaign this #MillionsMissing

May is nearly here and that means so is ME Awareness Week and #MillionsMissing! This year, #MEAction Scotland and #MEAction UK are returning to the central theme of #MillionsMissing – drawing attention to the people missing from their previous lives and wider society because of ME. Most people don’t understand how widespread ME is, or

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