Category: Advocacy

UK: Urge your MP to attend the 21st June debate on ME

A 3-hour Westminster Hall debate on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) treatment and research has been scheduled for Thursday, 21st June, 1:30-4:30 p.m. We need to encourage as many of our MPs as possible to attend. Contacting your MP has never been easier with this new tool. Simply enter your postcode below to get started. Urge your MP

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#MEAction Scotland Speaks at Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee – Watch the Video

#MEAction Scotland appeared before the Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee on June 7th to give evidence on its petition to review treatment of ME patients in Scotland.  Watch the hearing: Not all petitioners are called before the Parliament’s Petitions Committee, so the fact that #MEAction Scotland has been summoned is very encouraging. The petition has received 7,000 signatures, and

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Learn More About the UK Parliamentary Briefing

A key briefing to help parliamentarians understand the issues facing people affected by M.E. has been co-authored by #MEAction UK, the ME Association, Action for M.E., and the ME Trust. Read the Parliamentary briefing.  Our collaboration on this was prompted by a discussion with the UK team responsible for the impact campaign for the M.E.

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MPs Fight for House of Commons debate on ME in UK

MPs across the parties in the U.K. came together today to argue the case for scheduling a debate about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) in the main chamber of the House of Commons. Watch the video below. Carol Monaghan MP joined five other MPs on June 5th to argue the merits of holding a debate on ME

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Victory for #MEAction NY Activists: State Publishes Webpage about ME

The New York State Department of Health has recently established a new webpage about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) on its website, thanks to the hard work of #MEAction activists. New York is one of only three states in the U.S. that has a page on ME. (Illinois and Wisconsin have some information about chronic fatigue syndrome.)

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The NIH Plan for ME is Dismal

Occupy M.E. describes the NIH’s current plan to address the crisis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis as “do a little and wait.” Blogger Jennie Spotila describes the agency’s plan, which was found buried in the NIH 2019 budget request sent to Congress, as follows: NIH is going to wait for the new Collaborative Research Centers to lead

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Why we’re Targeting the NIH for #MillionsMissing

    The logic is crystal clear for why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) should make a serious commitment to funding research for ME/CFS. The disease affects a high proportion of Americans – estimates range from 1 to 2.5 million people; the disease is highly debilitating, leaving 75 percent unable to work and 25-29

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