Category: Advocacy

It has been an Intense Week!

It Has Been A HUGE Week in the U.S.! This last week has been a bit of a whirlwind – we’ve never been busier! It’s been a week of advancing the cause of health equality for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis through the launch of the Unrest continuing medical education program and the expansion of our US advocacy team. It’s also

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Join the fight against stigma and pseudoscience in New York

This weekend, the New York State Psychiatric Institute is hosting a conference on psychosomatic illness at Columbia University Medical Center — and they invited Per Fink to speak.  If you have watched Unrest, you know that Fink’s clinic was responsible for the involuntary institutionalization of Karina Hansen, a Danish young woman with ME.   [pullquote

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#MEAction Welcomes U.S. Advocacy Manager

We at #MEAction are so excited to welcome Erin Roediger as our new U.S. Advocacy Manager! We are thrilled that with Erin’s wealth of healthcare advocacy, volunteer coordination, and electoral campaign experience, we will be able to expand our congressional outreach program in concert with our partner organizations – the Solve ME/CFS Initiative and the

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#MEAction Sends Letter to HHS Demanding New Federal Committee on ME

Last month, our community marshaled together in a mass protest on social media to tell the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) that it had NOT accomplished its job when it suddenly dissolved the federal advisory committee – known as CFSAC – that makes recommendations on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and coordinates across federal agencies

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Meet with your MP about ME – Our Toolkit shows you how!

Advocates at #MEAction UK are working hard to engage Members of Parliament in the fight for appropriate clinical care and investment in biomedical research for ME. Gaining MPs support in lobbying for change is vital to our success. So whether you are a person with ME, their carer, friend, family member or ally, we are

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Stop Per Fink from Spreading Misinformation about ME: Sign the Petition

The Danish physician, Per Fink, is traveling to the United States to speak about his unscientific and dangerous idea that myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a psychosomatic illness. Per Fink has been invited to speak at a psychosomatic conference at Columbia University in New York City on Oct. 20th. Columbia University will reward medical providers who come to hear Per Fink speak with continuing education credits.

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Open Letter Demands Removal of Netflix's "Afflicted" – Sign the Petition

On September 18th, more than 40 writers, activists, artists, filmmakers, physicians, and scientists came together to write an open letter to Netflix to request that Afflicted be immediately removed from the service. “We are deeply concerned about its unethical treatment of its subjects and its many factual errors and omissions,” states the letter. “Its inclusion

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Alphabet Soup – Your Guide to Current U.S. Actions

When it rains, it pours! There has been so much activity in our US health institutions that it’s easy to lose track. Here’s a handy update to help us all keep it straight. HHS (Health and Human Services) The HHS recently and without warning shut down CFSAC, the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee. While flawed,

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Scottish Lib. Dems Pass Motion for ME, with Amendment

ME history was made this week in the historic capital of Scotland when delegates at the Scottish Liberal Democrats autumn conference voted to support conference motion SC5: Investing in ME – Recognition, Research, and Education. So it’s official, the motion, drawn up in consultation with #MEAction Scotland, is now party policy. It is a hugely

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