Category: Advocacy

Community Roundup – Telling Our Story to the World

Across the globe, we are pursuing creative projects across all mediums to tell the world about myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). In our fall roundup, you’ll be inspired reading about the work and accomplishments of some of our community heroes. Support the #MEAction community by donating to our #GivingTuesday campaign this Tuesday, Nov. 27  where Facebook will match your

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Volunteer of the Month – the Woman Behind the Per Fink Protest

We are thrilled to honor Terri Wilder as our fall Volunteer of the Month. Terri spearheaded the protest and petition against Per Fink last month where the community took a stand against the harmful treatments that Per Fink has forced upon people with ME. Terri Wilder has been a monumental activist with #MEAction since getting

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Suomalaisen Äidin Kertomus

Suomalaiset ME/CFS-potilaat tarvitsevat apuasi. Allekirjoitathan vetoomuksen! [maxbutton id=”21″ url=”” text=”Allekirjoita vetoomus!” ] Editorilta: Klikkaa tätä lukeaksesi englanninkielinen versio artikkelista. Editor’s note:  Click here to read the English translation of this article. Kaksitoista vuotta sitten syntyi poika, nuorimmaiseni. Iloinen hymyhuuli nauratti aina muita vitseillään ja oli kaikessa innolla mukana. Koulu oli kivaa, samoin urheilu ja kavereiden kanssa leikkiminen.

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The Story of a Finnish Mother

People with ME/CFS in Finland need your help. Please sign their petition! [maxbutton id=”21″ url=”” text=”Sign the petition” ] Editor’s note:  Click here to read the Finnish translation of this article. Twelve years ago a boy was born, my youngest. A happy, delightful child, always making others laugh and enthusiastically participating in everything. He liked

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Sept & Oct — Research Roundup

The end of September was a whirlwind! Between the CDC’s website work, the CDC’s awarding of a sole contract, the planning sessions for the NIH meeting, and the Stanford symposium, there wasn’t much time to devote to breaking down the science.  If you’d like to see a quick run-down of what’s been going on lately

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NICE Appoints Committee Rife with Bias – Take Action!

What’s been happening at NICE? The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) is re-writing its guidelines on ME/CFS. Health professionals in the UK base their care of people with ME on these guidelines, and they are influential globally. Since their inception, patients and their families have found the current guidelines detrimental to care. Last week,

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#MEAction Scotland launch their Manifesto

After many, many months of writing, editing and revising, #MEAction Scotland is finally ready to launch its manifesto! Thank you to all the volunteers and members of the community who have added their ideas and thoughts to shape this document. The purpose of this document is to highlight those areas where we feel our lobbying

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Mary Gelpi Sends 50K Petition to NIH Director, Francis Collins

Mary Gelpi first published this post on her blog, 25 Pills a Day. Mary launched a petition asking the director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, to increase funding to 100 million annually for ME/CFS. She just sent a large box containing the petition and 50,000 signatures to Francis Collins.  The box

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#MEAction keeps up the political heat of ME in the UK Parliament

A productive and extremely positive meeting on the current developments on ME in the UK took place on Monday, 22nd October in the UK Parliament. Carol Monaghan, MP, and David Tuller, a Senior Fellow in Public Health in Journalism at the Center of Global Public Health, School of Public Health, University of California, met at

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