Category: Advocacy

#MEAction Responds to NIH

As many of you know, #MEAction activists for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) met with the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Francis Collins, on December 7 to discuss accelerating research in order to more rapidly provide diagnostics and treatments to people with ME. To read about the details of the meeting, click here.

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Community Roundup – End-Of-Year, 2018

As always, our community continues to amaze us with its tenacity, creativity, intellect, hard work and generosity. Enjoy a round-up of some of the community happenings these past few months where people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) around the world continue to fight for recognition, treatment, care and dignity. Austria Austrian broadcast station @ATV aired a

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Volunteer of the Month – A Source of Inspiration and Wisdom

Jenny Horner is another stalwart advocate in the myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) community who inspires us to dig deeper and reach higher. She first got involved with #MEAction UK in an effort to protect children from the effects of being pushed to exercise, which has shown to cause harm in people with ME. Most recently, she

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Holiday Win: 42 Members of Congress Sign on to Support People with ME/CFS

  Thanks to another strong turnout from the ME/CFS community, 14 Senators and 28 Congressional Representatives joined together to sign this bipartisan letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in support of people with ME/CFS. The bicameral letter was sponsored by Senator Ed Markey (MA) in the Senate and Congresswoman Anna

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Australian MP Introduces Petition for ME in Parliament

Australian Greens MP, Adam Bandt, formally tabled a petition for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in Parliament on Dec. 4th. The Emerge Australia petition asks the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to collaborate with the ME/CFS community to develop appropriate guidelines for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) assessors, and for ME/CFS to be added to List B

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All I want for Christmas is #ScienceNotStigma

This Christmas, millions will be missing from parties and celebrations, because of the severity of ME. Yet the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE, the public body responsible for UK clinical guidelines) have just dismissed legitimate concerns of thousands of people with ME, and their friends, family and allies who emailed them. Staff

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NIH's Dismissive Response to Mary Gelpi's 50K Petition

Last month, Mary Gelpi sent a petition with more than 50,000 signatures to the director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, asking the NIH to increase funding for ME/CFS to 100 million annually. Mary’s friend, Matt Tyler, who sent a letter accompanying the petition, received the response below from Walter J. Koroshetz,

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Research: supporting advocacy orgs yields huge payoffs

This Giving Tuesday, I’ve got some good science to show why you should donate to #MEAction and other advocacy organizations! The study Disease Politics and Medical Research Funding: Three Ways Advocacy Shapes Policy sets out to discuss single-disease interest groups and their influence on US politics: “This article explores their effects on federal medical research priority-setting.

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