Category: Advocacy


NICE Retweeted #MEAction UK’s Dear Doctor Campaign!

On November 12th, just a few days after our launch of the Dear Doctor Campaign, @NICEGetInvolved retweeted our campaign and shared their thanks in our work to educate the medical establishment about the new guideline. This is cause for celebration! This is the start of a real change that has begun in how we are

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CDC must act now to stop flawed review of ME/CFS treatments

In advance of next week’s CDC ME/CFS Stakeholder Engagement and Communication (SEC) call, #MEAction has sent a letter to Chronic Viral Diseases Branch Chief Dr. Elizabeth Unger requesting her to clearly and directly address our four key objections to publishing a flawed evidence review of ME/CFS treatments that CDC commissioned. Read Letter The review wrongly

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Forest of Federal Agencies Featured Image

#MEAction’s work in the Forest of Federal Agencies

Hey folks, it’s me Ben. During this week’s #MEAction Giving Adventure we moved through the Forest of Federal Agencies as we surpassed our first fundraising level of US$15,000/UK£11,178. While this fundraising adventure is all about putting the FUN in Fundraising, the work #MEAction has done within US Federal Agencies has been imperative to improving the

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Tell your Doctor that GET is gone

The updated NICE guideline on ME/CFS contains substantial changes that alter the treatment and management of people with ME in England and Wales*. We need your help to tell doctors and other medical staff that the recommended treatments for people with ME have changed. We want to get the message out that there are new

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A logo that says "Sign for ME/CFS"

Get Germany to 50K signatures – Anyone Can Sign!

A team of ME/CFS advocates have launched a petition to raise awareness about the dire situation in Germany. Help Germany get to 50,000 signatures by Tuesday, Nov. 9th and they will be granted a public hearing in the German Bundestag to finally draw attention to the issue of ME/CFS .  Anyone across the world can

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NICE ME/CFS Guideline Published

Final NICE ME/CFS guideline published – find out the big news!

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has now published its ME/CFS guideline and we are delighted that they have finally listened to the ME community in several key areas. NICE delayed publication of this guideline in August after concerns were raised by a few Royal Colleges. Instead, they held a roundtable event,

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Is NIH blowing another opportunity to advance ME/CFS research?

Be sure to attend the telebriefing by the Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group this Friday (10/22) at 3PM ET. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has many questions to answer about its lack of tangible progress or strategic acceleration of medical research for people with ME. Read Our Questions for NIH ME/CFS research opportunity being missed

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Screenshot of the article with red question marks over it

A Response to New Yorker Article on Long COVID

A person with ME (who wishes to remain anonymous online) sent this letter to the author of The New Yorker article, “The Struggle to Define Long COVID,” and to the magazine’s editor. #MEAction was also concerned to see The New Yorker publish such a disparaging and flawed article about the Long COVID community, which cherry-picked examples of

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World ME Alliance Completes Major Name Change and Rebrand

#MEAction is proud to be a founding member of the World ME Alliance, a coalition of national ME/CFS organisations, which announces today a major name change and rebrand from the International Alliance for ME. To modernise and promote its unique role, the World ME Alliance is launching a new website, with a new name, logo,

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Sign petition To Fix ME/CFS tracking In US!

In August, we shared with you that we and six other ME/CFS organizations had submitted a proposal to the National Center of Health Statistics (NCHS) to fix the coding of ME/CFS in the US International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-CM). Today, we are writing with an update on that proposal and asking that you sign the

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