Author: Rivka Solomon

HUGE Event for ME in Boston

Follow Rivka Solomon on Twitter: @RivkaTweets “Now that’s the kind of event that gives hope. Real hope. Tangible, actionable hope. It’s infuriating that the standard of “care” for #Millions Missing is mostly built on disinformation. This kind of event is how we change this mad injustice.” – @RichardVallee on Twitter Every now and then something happens

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City Proclamation for ME: How-To Guide and Case Study

Timbre Livesay and Mary Dimmock contributed to this article. This is an outline of the steps a California ME advocate, Mark Camenzind, took for getting city proclamations for ME. Below the steps is a template you can use for your own city proclamation. Feel free to adapt either for your city’s needs. As this is

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Thank Senator Markey for promising to help ME patients

On Thursday, Feb. 23, I attended a packed town hall meeting in Northampton, Massachusetts with my U.S. senator, Ed Markey (D-MA). Around 1,400 constituents were present in both the main auditorium and the overflow room where the event was live streamed. I was one of the few who got to ask a question. I asked

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