Author: #MEAction Scotland

University of the West of Scotland Looking for Research Participants Featured Image

Be part of designing UWS research into ME and long COVID

UPDATE: The research team have let us know that they’ve received a huge response to this request and they now have the information they need. They’ll be in touch with people individually if they are eligible to participate in the study. If you got involved, thanks for your support! Researchers at the University of the

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#MEAction activists outside Scottish Parliament

Scottish Election! Ask your MSPs to support people with ME

If you live in Scotland, please join our campaign to ask your MSPs to pledge their support for people with ME. Email your MSPs The Holyrood elections are coming up on 6 May 2021 and we want to make sure that MSPs are aware of ME and the desperate need for support. There are more

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#MEAction Scotland Petition: Achievements and Agenda-setting

#MEAction Scotland submitted their petition to the Scottish Parliament in May 2018. In June, Emma Shorter, #MEAction Scotland’s volunteer leading the petition, made a powerful speech to the Petitions Committee describing the desperate need for support for people with ME in Scotland.

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Three members seated and speaking at the Public Petitions Committee Meeting

#MEAction Scotland’s Petition: Progress Continues

On Thursday 19th December, 2019 the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee met to continue its consideration of  #MEAction Scotland’s petition, PE1690, which calls for a review of treatment of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in Scotland. Appearing before the committee to give evidence were Jeane Freeman, the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport,

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Volunteers: the bedrock of every #MEAction Scotland campaign

Volunteers are at the heart of everything #MEAction Scotland does. We are always looking for more people to help make a difference and support our work in Scotland. Currently, #MEAction Scotland is run by a small group of volunteers, most of whom have ME, with support from the UK coordinator. If you are interested in

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#MEAction Scotland launch their Manifesto

After many, many months of writing, editing and revising, #MEAction Scotland is finally ready to launch its manifesto! Thank you to all the volunteers and members of the community who have added their ideas and thoughts to shape this document. The purpose of this document is to highlight those areas where we feel our lobbying

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UK: ME gets Attention at General Practitioners Conference

Volunteers from #MEAction Scotland will attend the annual conference of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in Glasgow this year from 4th to 6th October! Forward ME, an umbrella group of UK charities and voluntary organisations, is hosting a stand in the conference exhibition centre. A workshop on myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) will take place

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