Author: #MEAction

A Job for a Lone Congress Member – Speak Up for ME/CFS, a Forgotten Disease

Contact your Congressional Delegation – Share Llewellyn King’s article and ask them to speak up for ME/CFS Please find your Congressional delegation by typing your zip code, then copy and paste the following text into the contact forms. [button_color url=”” content=”Contact your Congressional Delegation” target=””] Attention: Legislative Assistant for Health Please read the following article

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Update: Occupy USDOJ Demonstration in Washington DC

The demonstration has kicked off yesterday June 1st, with a great start, at the Justice Department in Washington DC.  The aim of this demonstration is to “occupy” as long as possible.  Their permit is valid till July 4.  Some demonstrators plan to stay a week.  Others will try to stay till the end. The objective

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Update: Marathon for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Tom Whittingham, running for his sister and ME Research UK Tom ran the Edinburgh marathon on May 31st as a personal challenge and a way to raise awareness and funds for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis research. Why did he do this? In his own words, “My sister Naomi has suffered from ME for over 25 years, since

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Lymphatic vessels in the brain: Gamechanger for Neuroimmune diseases?

It’s rare that new research means rewriting textbooks. But new information discovered by University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers might do just that for neuroscience, immunology, and even anatomy. This discovery also has definite implications for the diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmune conditions like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Excerpted from multiple sources. “The relationship

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Occupy the US Department of Justice

Groups of chronically disabled patients, victims of medical abuse, will be assembling for a peaceful but passionate protest on the steps of USDOJ, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530, from June 1 until July 4.

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