Author: #MEAction

#MEAction Launch Video

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis needs activism. There is so much work to be done in our community and so many people who want to do it, but don’t know where to start. The biggest limiting factors? Often, our own bodies. As ME/CFS patients we can be trapped and unable take part in desperately-needed awareness and activism campaigns.

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Llewellyn King: Virus Hunters Turn to Chilli Peppers

Excerpts from Llewellyn King’s article Virus Hunters Turn to Social Media — and Chili Peppers posted on Huffington Post, The Blog at 07/15/2015 3:33 pm EDT Why were two of the world’s most eminent scientific researchers sitting down to munch their way through a plate of chili peppers, flavored with Tabasco sauce, setting their mouths

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Norway Combats the "Stress Theory" for ME/CFS

This article by Ola Didrik Saugstad was originally published 14 July 2015, at. 8:00 in leading Norwegian newspaper Excerpts from the online English translation below. Undocumented treatments have led to some of the worst disasters in the history of medicine. Many ME patients feel today that the public health system is exacerbating their condition.

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BBC journalist's blog on ME

I would like to share an incredible blog post written by John Darvall, the BBC radio journalist who interviewed me and my family recently. He writes: “When I knocked on the door to interview Naomi I knew little about M E. other than its dodgy reputation and the questions about whether it was actually a

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How to Organize a World-Changing Petition

Consider your target It’s only natural that targets might be institutions. Try to address your petition to specific individuals who have the influence or decision-making power to respond to your request. Start with the institution and then think about exactly whose hands you want to put the petition into. The more specific you can be,

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UPDATE: New Details from Open Medicine Foundation's End ME/CFS Project

Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) End ME/CFS Project This is a game-changing initiative to find a cure for ME/CFS, a devastating and life-altering disease that affects more than 2.5 million people in the U.S. alone — Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is the first time ever that leading world-class scientists will be putting their minds together

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Trio of Articles from Palo Alto Online Highlight ME/CFS Patients

Palo Alto Online recently published a series of three articles highlighting the struggles faced by Mylagic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) patients and their caregivers. The series centers around Whitney Dafoe and his father’s research work. All three articles are excerpted and briefly summarized below. Chronic fatigue syndrome saps its victims, but new research may find

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