Author: #MEAction

Send a letter to Reinstate CDC Funding for ME/CFS

We at the Solve ME/CFS initiative are calling for the CDC to reinstate funding for ME/CFS and we need your help! Please act now! The $5.4 million in CDC funding for ME/CFS has been stricken from the Senate’s version of the 2016 federal budget. As you can see from the graphic below, ME/CFS was the only

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OMF Severely Ill Patient Study Gets $500,000 donation

[pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Very little research has been done in the bedbound patients “Hopefully, the more severely ill will have a stronger signal of what’s going wrong.”[/pullquote] The Open Medicine Foundation’s Severely Ill Patient Big Data study has gotten a HUGE boost with the help of an anonymous donor. This $500,000 donation will

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Take the funding equality petition to the streets

The US funding equality petition has over 4,000 signatures. We still have a lot of work to do to get to our goal of 50,000 signatures nationwide. As we learned from the Dutch campaign, the only way to get to get large numbers is to take the petition into the streets.   Help us increase signatures for

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Thank you DePaul! #ChilliMEchallenge for #MEAction

Leonard Jason and the DePaul Research team’s #ChilliMEchallenge supporting #MEAction Thank you to the entire team at DePaul’s Center for Community Research for your incredible work for ME/CFS patients around the world. And thank you for choosing #MEAction for your donation. The #MEAction team is so grateful for your support! Check out the DePaul #ChilliMEChallenge

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CDC – Public Health Promotion of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The CDC wants information from businesses about producing public radio/audio recordings to increase ME/CFS awareness
Deadline: Aug 05, 2015 4:00 pm Eastern
The goal of this work is to increase awareness of CFS through the use of public radio/audio recording. The specific objectives are to 1) produce radio/audio recording, 2) produce segments that are broadcast on NPR’s Morning Edition and on the NPR website; and 3) increase awareness of CFS and further facilitate the support of loved ones and society as a whole to improve the quality of life for patients with CFS.

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Suffering the Silence: Portraits of Chronic Illness

This beautiful photography project, Suffering the Silence, aims to make more visible the millions of Americans suffering from invisible illnesses: The stigma surrounding chronic illness can leave people feeling misunderstood, alone, dismissed, and silenced. When someone doesn’t look visibly sick, one can often forget what their life is like behind the scenes. Eleven New Yorkers spoke

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Cort Johnson: Fibromyalgia and the 'Advocacy Gap'

Cort Johnson has a fascinating new post up about the rise and fall of Fibromyalgia funding over the last fifteen years – even less is spent per patient on Fibromyalgia research than ME and CFS. He thinks in the issue is an “advocacy gap”:   As funding for pain research increased, funding for FM research, however, has

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