Author: #MEAction

James Coyne tells PACE authors: Stop fighting data release

Professor James Coyne today publicly urged the PACE trial authors and Queen Mary University of London to stop fighting the release of raw data from the study. He used his popular blog in a powerful call to those responsible for withholding the information from the £5 million, taxpayer-funded trial to “let the People’s data go”.

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Join me in Fundraising for SMCI!

I’ve raised $6500 in 24 hours — imagine what we could raise if you all joined in? You don’t have to create any content, or write anything. Just join the team, and share with the link with your network.

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Close to collapse: new report highlights shocking lack of social care for people with M.E.

[pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”I haven’t got the energy to spare to jump through hoops to get the help from social services that I am entitled to.”[/pullquote] This is the experience of just one of the 850 people with the UK surveyed for Action for M.E.’s Close to collapse report, detailing the shocking

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Catalan: Fibro, CFS and MCS patients face new restrictions on medical care

Report from Catalan The Catalan Government Health Department’s new plan for Central Sensitivity Syndrome patients Liga SFC/SSC, September 2015 On July 1st, 2015, the Health Department of the Catalan Government published a document, “Central Sensitivity Syndromes: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities”. This document was written by a group of so called “experts” appointed

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Swedish psychiatrist on how he came to view M.E. as a physical disorder

Prof. Carl-Gerhard Gottfries is a professor of psychiatry. In this video, he explains how he and his colleagues first approached the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia and ME from a psychiatric perspective, and later came to view these illnesses as “multi-organic disorders” involving the immune system. Gottfries became interested in ME in 1957, when a pandemic

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Save the Gottfries Clinic

The Gottfries clinic is the leading ME/CFS and fibromyalgia clinic in Sweden. It both treats patients and conducts biomedical research, yet the health authorities there are planning to withdraw their support in favor for a “bio-psycho-social” approach to treatment. Politicians in Gothenburg, Sweden have now decided not to renew the contract with the clinic when

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Share this film and join the petition to reform the NICE guidelines

On Friday, 30th October, Change For M.E. Change For Us launched their short film, The Last Great Medical Cover Up. The film details the extent of medical discrimination and neglect people living with M.E. are being subjected to every day. The 35 minute documentary features 6 individuals expressing what it’s really like to have a

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Letter: Ask HHS to Investigate PACE

Dear #MEAction users, Please find below a letter to HHS (CDC and AHRQ) calling on them to investigate the PACE trial and take whatever steps are needed to protect patients. This includes revising the AHRQ Evidence Review and CDC clinical guidelines to remove recommendations such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and graded exercise (GET) that are based on

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Government orders release of PACE trial data

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has ordered Queen Mary University of London to release anonymized PACE trial data to an unnamed complainant. Queen Mary has 28 days to appeal the decision. The report outlines the scope of the data requested, Queen Mary’s arguments for refusing to release the data and the Commissioner’s justification for siding with the patient requesting the

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