Author: #MEAction

Solve ME/CFS Initiative Grades HHS on CFSAC Response

Solve ME/CFS Initiative Grades HHS on CFSAC Response The Solve ME/CFS Initiative has created a report card for HHS’ response to the recommendations made by the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) after its August meeting. The grades the organization gave on the HHS response to the 13 CFSAC recommendations range from A- (one) to F (four).

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James Coyne to talk in Belfast on “scandal” of the PACE trial

Talk by James Coyne in February Professor James Coyne of the University of Pennsylvania will be giving a talk entitled “The scandal of the £5 million UK PACE trial for ME: what can be done?” to two separate audiences in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in February. One talk is directed specifically at professionals, including Members of

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QMUL reject PACE FOI request from Ron Davis and colleagues

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), acting on behalf of the authors of the highly controversial PACE trial, has rejected a request made by a group of scientists for raw, anonymised data from the trial. The group was led by world-famous geneticist Professor Ron Davis of Stanford University, whose son, Whitney Dafoe, is gravely ill

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10,000 signatures for more research funding in the UK!

Calling all British M.E. sufferers & allies, Inspired by our American friends and the progress that has been made over in the States with government funding and new research projects, we think it’s time for patients to put the pressure on the UK parliament. We are asking for an increase in budget to fund bio-medical research as well as the formation of a work group to represent the issues facing our community in government.

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Lancet Psychiatry publish Coyne and Laws PACE critique

Lancet Psychiatry have published three letters criticising a paper published in the journal on the long-term follow-up results of the PACE trial. A response from the study authors was also published. The paper, published in October, showed little difference in self-rated fatigue and physical function between the four treatment arms and thus no benefit of

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Everest Challenge for ME Research UK

A team of climbers are taking part in a gruelling charity event with the aim of scaling the height of Everest (8,848m) in a single day, raising funds for much-needed research into ME/CFS. As the climbing wall is only 12.5m in height, the team will have to climb it over 708 times to reach their goal and it’s expected to take them between 6 and 9 hours. The Everest Challenge will be a real test of the team’s commitment, strength and endurance.

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James Coyne: PLOS One lawyers “squaring off” against PACE authors

Professor James Coyne has provided an update on his request to PLOS One that they enforce their data-sharing policy upon the authors of the PACE trial, who published one of their papers in the journal. Professor Coyne had requested the data from Professor Paul McCrone under PLOS One’s policy. However, Professor McCrone’s administrative institution, King’s

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Rehmeyer and Tuller: PACE trial didn’t prove graded exercise safe for CFS

Journalists Julie Rehmeyer and Dr. David Tuller have published an analysis concluding that the PACE trial failed to demonstrate the safety of graded exercise therapy, despite its authors claiming that it was a safe treatment for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Their article, on Virology Blog, concludes that “the PACE researchers’ attempts to prove

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Columbia professor says PACE damaging Lancet’s reputation

Yesterday, Columbia University professor of statistics Andrew Gelman published a warning that The Lancet was risking its reputation by refusing to rectify errors in the main paper on the PACE trial that appeared in the journal in 2011. In his article on a popular statistics blog, Professor Gelman described the PACE authors’ refusal to share

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