Author: #MEAction


La desaparición de mi capacidad de leer extensamente es una de mis mayores pérdidas. Lo intento, pero las páginas se petrifican. Ahora debo contentarme con unos pocos párrafos; algunos días con un par de líneas.

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Need Help Recovering from Hurricane Irma & Harvey?

Let us know if you need help recovering from Hurricanes Harvey & Irma. We are planning to share the needs of hurricane victims with the ME community on our Facebook page. If you would like to make your needs known to the ME community, please fill out this form: Loading… If you have any questions,

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Why Society Shuns People with ME

Listen to the audio version recorded by Anna Ruddock @annalouruddock Cindy Downey wrote this editorial as a response to the opinion piece, “The Emotional Toll of Not Being Heard,” published by Christina Baltais. Artwork by Cindy Downey. Thank you, Christina, for your eloquent comments about the emotional toll from the wall of stigma that surrounds ME.

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The Emotional Toll of Not Being Heard

This story won’t be particularly unique or shocking to anyone living with ME. Every single one of us has a plethora of stories like this, and far worse than this. It has happened so many times over the last 11 years. What shocks me is the degree to which it still occurs and manages to affect me, no matter how much time I spend trying to advocate for ME.

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Scientists gather for ME/CFS symposium this Saturday: Watch online!

Influential scientific researchers in the ME/CFS community will come together this Saturday, Aug. 12 for a one-day community symposium focused on the molecular basis of ME/CFS at Stanford University Palo Alto, California. Register here to join the livestream and be part of the conversation. View the agenda here. (DVDs can also be ordered for $15 from

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Tell Congress "Don't defund ME/CFS!"

Last week, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS zeroed out the $5.4 million line item for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at the CDC….again. Tell your members of congress to restore the funding for ME/CFS for next year’s budget. We cannot abandon the progress we’ve made so far!

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