Author: #MEAction

#MEAction Welcomes Michelle Pinedo to our Board of Directors

Listen to the article:  #MEAction is pleased to welcome Michelle Pinedo to our Board of Directors. Michelle brings over 20 years of senior level experience in leading non-profit organizations to higher degrees of efficiency and impact. Michelle has seen the devastation of this illness up-close and considers herself a strong ally in our fight for recognition

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Today, We Honor and Remember those with Severe M.E.

Today, we honor the millions of people around the world living in darkened rooms where sound and light and touch are beyond reach, where eating, bathing and standing have become impossible. Our community is fighting every day to bring hope, health and justice to people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and, today, we take time to

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Researchers, Clinicians and Patients: Submit a Manuscript on ME to WORK Journal

Researchers, patients and clinicians are invited to submit a manuscript for consideration in a special issue of WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (IOS Press), which will focus exclusively on the area of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Submissions are due Sept. 13, 2019. Scope The focus of this special edition is to examine how

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Support Severe ME Day: Join the Silence Challenge

August 8th is Severe ME Day. It is a day of awareness raising for those suffering severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis as well as a day of remembrance. August 8th was the birthday of Sophia Mirza, a 32 year-old woman who died of ME. One way you can participate and raise awareness for Severe ME Day is to

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A petition cloaked in the respectability of research

#MEAction UK has written a letter with regards to a survey that states it is to protect specialist CFS/ME services in the UK. We do not recommend people fill in this survey. It is written in such a way that it could be misused to support the existing treatment paradigm that harms people with ME.

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#MEAction Volunteers-of-the-Month: MEpedia Stalwarts

#MEAction is honored to announce our volunteers-of-the-month, Innie and Pyrrhus, who are extremely dedicated contributors to MEpedia, our wiki encyclopedia for the ME and CFS community.  Powered by #MEAction, MEpedia is crowdsourcing a knowledge base on the history, science and medicine with the goal to create a literature review so accurate, comprehensive, and technical that it can serve as a

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UK Teenager with Severe ME Threatened with Forced Institutionalization

The ME community is rallying around 17-year-old Jehan “Gigi” who has been hospitalized with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in the UK, and is now being threatened with being sectioned  – forced institutionalization – against her will to a psychiatric hospital for her inability to eat, speak or walk due to the effects of severe ME

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