Author: #MEAction

Press Jungle Featured Image

#MEAction Swinging Through The Press Jungle

Welcome to the jungle, the press jungle! It’s hot and noisy here, with news fresh off the press. Trying to get the attention of the media is not as impossible as legend had it! This is Adriane, and as your Press Scribe, I’m here to write our way through this next adventure and make sure

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Research Lagoon

#MEAction Swimming Through the Research Lagoon

Hi, everyone! It’s Jaime, the Director of Scientific & Medical Outreach at #MEAction. During this week’s #MEAction Giving Adventure we swam through the Research Lagoon as we surpassed our second fundraising level of US $20,000/UK£14,820. While our fundraising format this year is fun and lighthearted, the work #MEAction is doing to advance research and clinical

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Forest of Federal Agencies Featured Image

#MEAction’s work in the Forest of Federal Agencies

Hey folks, it’s me Ben. During this week’s #MEAction Giving Adventure we moved through the Forest of Federal Agencies as we surpassed our first fundraising level of US$15,000/UK£11,178. While this fundraising adventure is all about putting the FUN in Fundraising, the work #MEAction has done within US Federal Agencies has been imperative to improving the

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UK Parliamentary Group to discuss new ME/CFS guideline

The next meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (APPG on ME) will take place from 2 – 3 pm on 24 November 2021. Email your MP asking them to attend, and help to ensure the new ME/CFS guideline is implemented. Find their contact details at: This meeting will focus on the

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Tell your Doctor that GET is gone

The updated NICE guideline on ME/CFS contains substantial changes that alter the treatment and management of people with ME in England and Wales*. We need your help to tell doctors and other medical staff that the recommended treatments for people with ME have changed. We want to get the message out that there are new

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In case You missed it!: Fall Roundup

Wow! So much has happened in the last three months. Between the historic change to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline on ME, terrific articles featured in the press, the tedious work of holding US federal agencies accountable, the effort to enhance clinical care, the continued work of promoting new research,

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Read about the research happening on ME and long COVID

#MEAction summarized the scientific talks about ME/CFS and Long COVID presented at the International Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME) Conference that took place last August.  We sent this summary of those talks to our database of journalists reporting on Long COVID this past October to underscore the parallels between the conditions,

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How the media reported on the UK’s new ME/CFS guideline

Media coverage of the publication of the new NICE guideline in the UK was impressive in its geographical spread and range of publications who reported on the story. The volume of articles shows the importance of the new guideline and highlights the increased awareness of the issues amongst the UK media.   #MEAction UK volunteers are

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A logo that says "Sign for ME/CFS"

Get Germany to 50K signatures – Anyone Can Sign!

A team of ME/CFS advocates have launched a petition to raise awareness about the dire situation in Germany. Help Germany get to 50,000 signatures by Tuesday, Nov. 9th and they will be granted a public hearing in the German Bundestag to finally draw attention to the issue of ME/CFS .  Anyone across the world can

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