Author: Adriane Tillman

Denmark: MPs will Vote whether to Recognise ME as WHO-defined disease!  

This past Tuesday, March 12, Danish Health MPs unanimously agreed on a declaration that will recognise myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) as a distinct disease, remove it from the “functional somatic syndromes” category, and promote the World Health Organization (WHO) diagnostic codes for ME. Parliament will vote on the declaration this Thursday, March 14th. The vote is

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Advocate for ME on the Hill! Only One Week left to Register!

You still have one week left to register for Advocacy Day 2019 in Washington, DC! You may be trying to decide whether or not you should come (and, please, put your health first) or send a loved one in your place, so we thought we would ask some people who have attended about their perspective on Advocacy

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Amy Carlson – an Ally to the ME Community

Listen to the article:   Allies are critical to the success of any movement and even more so in the case of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). So many people with ME are bedridden or housebound and unable to participate in some advocacy and activist actions. While we at #MEAction work hard to make advocacy

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How Does ME Research Fare? Check Out these Piecharts.

Research scientist, Dr Mark Guthridge, PhD, from Melbourne Australia created this piechart to show that of these 13 diseases, people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) have the worst quality of life but the least number of scientific publications in 2018. Follow Dr. Guthridge on Twitter.                    

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Holiday Shopping: Buy from artists, crafters and authors with ME

The holidays are upon us! As you go about shopping for family and friends – or making gift suggestions – don’t forget about these wonderful gifts made by people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). We love to take every opportunity to support our community of crafters, authors, small business owners and artists. Also, #MEAction’s holiday shop

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Dec. 2018 FFAME Minutes: Advocating for ME while Maintaining Privacy

MINUTES: Friends, Family and Allies for ME (FFAME) meeting: Saturday, December 1 Primary Discussion Topic: Advocating for ME while maintaining privacy for ourselves or loved ones For some of us, privacy isn’t an issue, as the pwME (person with myalgic encephalomyelitis) may be happy with any advocacy we can do. Some pwME do not want

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Journal Publishes Article about ME Biobank

Frontiers in Neurology, an open-access journal, published an article about the UK ME/CFS Biobank this week. This narrative paper describes the journey of how people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) came together with a multidisciplinary team of researchers to conceptualize and establish the biobank, which provides a critical resource for biomedical research into

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Australian MP Introduces Petition for ME in Parliament

Australian Greens MP, Adam Bandt, formally tabled a petition for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in Parliament on Dec. 4th. The Emerge Australia petition asks the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to collaborate with the ME/CFS community to develop appropriate guidelines for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) assessors, and for ME/CFS to be added to List B

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