Day: December 4, 2020

21 Chronic Disease Stakeholders Send Letter to Congress

#MEAction joins Solve M.E. & 18 other orgs to author letter to congress

#MEAction is proud to join Solve ME/CFS Initiative (Solve M.E) and 18 other chronic disease stakeholders to sign a strong letter to Congress asking them to urgently prioritize long COVID and post-viral disease funding in future Congressional COVID-19 relief packages or appropriations agreements. The goal of the letter is have Congress fund millions of dollars

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Does the US spend more Money Researching diseases affecting men?

Does the U.S. spend more money researching diseases that primarily affect men? The answer is emphatically yes, according to an article published in the Journal of Women’s Health by Art Mirin, chair of #MEAction’s California State Chapter. In his research, Dr. Mirin found that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) gives a disproportionate share of

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