Day: August 3, 2015

Thank you DePaul! #ChilliMEchallenge for #MEAction

Leonard Jason and the DePaul Research team’s #ChilliMEchallenge supporting #MEAction Thank you to the entire team at DePaul’s Center for Community Research for your incredible work for ME/CFS patients around the world. And thank you for choosing #MEAction for your donation. The #MEAction team is so grateful for your support! Check out the DePaul #ChilliMEChallenge

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CDC – Public Health Promotion of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The CDC wants information from businesses about producing public radio/audio recordings to increase ME/CFS awareness
Deadline: Aug 05, 2015 4:00 pm Eastern
The goal of this work is to increase awareness of CFS through the use of public radio/audio recording. The specific objectives are to 1) produce radio/audio recording, 2) produce segments that are broadcast on NPR’s Morning Edition and on the NPR website; and 3) increase awareness of CFS and further facilitate the support of loved ones and society as a whole to improve the quality of life for patients with CFS.

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